Personal Coaching

What is coaching?

The main benefit of individual coaching is that we meet in a private session—just you and me, no one else. This creates a safe environment where, unlike group coaching sessions and online courses, we can openly discuss your specific situation.

Coaching is an interactive process of collaboration that helps you reach your full potential and achieve your set goals. It is based on open-ended questions and reflective conversations, which help you find your own answers, overcome obstacles, and develop your skills and abilities.

There is nothing to worry about; coaching takes place at the level of a friendly conversation.

What is the process of a coaching session?

  1. Topic: At the beginning of each session, you will determine the topic we will focus on. This is essential because, without a clear topic, our conversation might stray to entirely different subjects, making it difficult to find effective solutions.

  2. Goal: We will specify your desired outcome, the goal you want to achieve in this area. These goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

  3. Evaluation and Self-Reflection: We will explore your current situation and identify obstacles or areas you want to improve. I use scaling (rating) to assess your current situation, which helps you become aware of where you are right now.

  4. Planning and Action: For the set goal, you will create an action plan that includes specific steps to achieve it. These are actions that will bring you closer to your desired outcome.

  5. In the Follow-Up Session: We will evaluate the achieved results together and reflect on your progress and learnings.

Coaching is a process based on the idea that the client is the expert on their own life, and the coach helps them discover and utilize their potential.

What techniques are used in coaching?

  • Open-ended questions: These help you explore your thoughts, feelings, and goals more deeply, and find your own answers. 
  • Active listening: I listen to you without judgment or evaluation, helping you understand your feelings and thoughts. 
  • SWOT analysis: This helps identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, allowing you to better understand your situation and make more informed decisions. 
  • Development plan: This assists you in setting specific steps and timelines to achieve your goals. 
  • Vision: Knowing where you are headed makes it much easier to progress toward your goal. It is essential to know your direction to effectively move closer to your desired outcome.

What do you need to know about me as your coach?

I never judge, evaluate, or criticize anyone. I am always on your side. Everything we discuss in our sessions is completely confidential, similar to doctor-patient confidentiality. We are one team with one common goal: to find suitable solutions for your situation, eliminate things from your life that don't benefit you, and replace them with things that do. This way, you can gradually move forward in life to where you want to be.

How do coaching sessions take place?

Because times have advanced significantly and we all value our precious time, which is usually in short supply, sessions take place online via video calls (though this is not mandatory; if you prefer a voice call, I will accommodate you). This way, you don't have to travel anywhere and can handle everything from the comfort of your home or office.

Are you interested in personal coaching? What's next?

To ensure that our collaboration will be mutually beneficial, I have a brief introductory call with every new client. During this call, we get to know each other a bit and determine if our cooperation is a good fit.

You can use the online booking system to schedule the introductory call and later reserve a time for our sessions. This system provides a clear overview of available slots, so there's no need to book appointments over the phone.

To book a FREE introductory call, you can now use the online booking system.

Questions and Answers

1. What if I don't know exactly what I want to improve or change?

If you're unsure about what exactly you want to improve or change, that's completely normal. Many people find themselves in a similar situation where they have a general feeling of wanting to change something but aren't sure what it is. In these cases, it's crucial to start exploring and becoming aware of your current feelings, needs, and goals. During our sessions, we will focus on exploring your values, priorities, and the areas of your life that you consider important. Using various techniques and questions, we will gradually find the direction and topic you want to focus on, motivating you to achieve changes. Our goal is to identify the areas where you wish to grow and develop, and set specific goals that will help you reach your full potential.

2. How long does it usually take for clients to start noticing positive changes in their lives after beginning personal coaching?

That's a great question! The time it takes for clients to achieve positive changes can vary depending on individual goals, motivation, and commitment. However, many clients start noticing initial results within a few weeks. It's important to remember that everyone is different, and each coaching process is unique.

    3. What are the typical obstacles clients encounter during the coaching process, and how are they addressed?

    During the coaching process, clients may encounter various obstacles such as a lack of self-confidence, fear of failure, or a lack of motivation. As a coach, I focus on identifying these obstacles and, together with the client, finding strategies and solutions to help overcome them and achieve their goals. Through open communication and client support, we can often successfully address these challenges and move forward.

    Client Experiences

    I was dealing with a very difficult life situation, and thanks to Sylvia, I am able to live and function normally again. I made a huge leap in just a few months. Thank you so much, and I highly recommend her.



    At the beginning of our collaboration, I was an insecure woman who had significant issues with myself and setting boundaries, especially in relation to men. Thanks to coaching and Sylvia's support, I have transformed into a confident and goal-oriented woman. Our collaboration is still ongoing.

    Aneta B.


    With the help of Sylvia (my coach), I discovered a new level of self-confidence and self-love. Thanks to her support, I have learned to overcome my fears and insecurities and have started living life to the fullest without limitations.

    Tereza P.
